How to Clean Camping Water Containers – 3 Simple Methods

How to clean camping water containers - 3 simple steps

In this article, we’ll show you how to clean camping water containers in with three simple methods.

This process works whether you are using a large water tank for car camping or cabin use, or smaller containers or water bags for tent camping.

The most important part is to ensure that your water carriers are completely dry before your next camping trip to inhibit bacteria growth. You can use these same methods with water bottles (i.e. Nalgene’s) with the same effect.

And please read the manufacturer’s instructions beforehand.

What is the CDC’s recommendation for cleaning your camping water jug?

The CDC recommends the following:

Before filling with safe water, use these steps to clean and sanitize water storage containers:

  1. Wash the storage container with dishwashing soap and water, and rinse completely with clean water.
  2. Sanitize the container with a solution made by mixing 1 teaspoon of unscented liquid household chlorine bleach in one quart of water.
  3. Cover the container and shake it well so that the sanitizing bleach solution touches all inside surfaces of the container.
  4. Wait at least 30 seconds and then pour the sanitizing solution out of the container.
  5. Let the empty sanitized container air-dry before use, OR rinse the empty container with clean, safe water that is available already.


How to Clean Camping Water Containers – Vinegar Or Baking Soda

The 10 steps below will help ensure that your container is clean and free of toxic chemicals and bacteria. You will use either vinegar OR baking soda.

You can clean first with vinegar and then again with baking soda. If you combine them, you will have a bubbly mess as they react and expand quite significantly!

10 Steps for cleaning a camping water container:

  1. Empty your water container and remove the lid
  2. Dump 1 cup of White Vinegar into the water container
  3. Or add 1/4 cup of Baking Soda into the water container
  4. Add water until the water container is 1/4 full
  5. Put on the lid tight
  6. Shake the mixture around the water container. Make sure the mixture touches the entire surface area inside the container
  7. Leave the water container to sit for 20-30 minutes
  8. Empty the container again
  9. Rinse the water containers out thoroughly once or twice with clean, safe water
  10. Leave the water containers with the lid off to dry overnight

The last step can be the trickiest, as most camping water jugs have small openings, especially the packable bag style that we use on our backcountry trips. We hang ours upside-down with the lid off for days until it is completely dry inside.

It is always a good idea to inspect the inside of your container to make sure it looks clean. This is easy to do if your water container has a large opening. If it has a small opening, you may need a flashlight to help.

How to Clean Camping Water Containers – Bleach

Bleach is a powerful cleaning agent. It can be toxic if consumed, and can burn your hands and dye your clothes, so be careful. We only use bleach when our water container has been sitting too long before uses or really needs a proper disinfecting.

9 Steps for cleaning a camping water container with bleach:

  1. Empty your water container and remove the lid
  2. Create a mixture of a quarter cup of bleach per 5 gallons of water. Scale down for smaller containers, which may only need a few drops of chlorine bleach.
  3. Fill your container about 1/4 full
  4. Put on the lid tight
  5. Shake the mixture around the water container. Make sure the mixture touches the entire surface area inside the container
  6. Leave the water container to sit for 20-30 minutes
  7. Empty the container again
  8. Rinse the water containers out thoroughly once or twice with clean, safe water
  9. Leave the water containers with the lid off to dry overnight to stop bacterial growth

With bleach, you really want to make sure it is rinsed out properly. If we use bleach, we rinse multiple times before drying. It is always a good idea to inspect the inside of the containers to make sure they look clean.

How to Clean Camping Water Containers – Cleaning Tablets

Using cleaning tablets is probably the easiest cleaning method. The downside is you have no control over what chemicals are being used as the cleaning and disinfecting agents.

Follow the instructions provided by your specific brand of cleaning tablets.

The general process for cleaning camping water containers with cleaning tablets is:

  • Fill your container 1/4 full with warm water
  • Add the recommended number of tablets for your size of container
  • Shake around so the solution touches all sides of the container
  • Let sit to allow the cleaning agents to do their job
  • Empty the container
  • Rinse
  • Hang to dry

While cleaning tablets are convenient and easy, they are not our preferred method. They are expensive relative to simple household cleaning products like vinegar and bleach, and we do not like not knowing what chemicals we are using to clean our water containers.

How to Clean Camping Water Containers – Conclusion

how to clean camping water containers - man drinking whiskey in the BWCA
Even works with our travel whiskey bottle!

There you have it. Three simple methods for cleaning your camping water containers. Most water containers will last many years with proper maintenance and cleaning. All it takes though is one time when you let the bacteria and grime thrive to destroy your water container.

So keep it out of direct sunlight as much as possible, and keep it clean and dry when not in use.

FAQs Related To Camping Water Containers

How do you clean the lid and outside of a camping water container?

We use a simple solution of household dish soap (Dawn is our favorite brand) and warm water. If you have grime in hard to reach places around the lid, you can use an old toothbrush and the soapy water to scrub and clean. Rinse well when clean, or your water will taste like soap!

How do you properly store a camping water container?

It is best to store camping water containers away from direct sunlight. Plastic water containers will begin to degrade and leave suspended particles in your container if exposed to too much sunlight. It is best to keep them in a dry, cool, dark place during long term storage.

Can bottled water go bad?

Yes. Bottled water can go bad. Exposure to high temperatures for extended periods of time can cause chemicals to leach into the water. It is best to store bottled water in a cool, dark place.

What happens when you drink contaminated water?

Drinking contained water can cause a whole host of issues, like diarrhea and dysentery. It is best to filter your water prior to drinking and store it safely. Water contaminated with chemicals leached from the plastic water bottles can be carcinogenic.

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The Quill Family

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